Us History Lesson Plan 8th Grade Easy

I am a Christian. I was an 8th-class American History instructor. I am currently a freelance author, public speaker, & homeschooling mom of 9.


My first year teaching I was dying to see other teachers' plan books, simply most of them were either blank or didn't seem suitable for our students ("high-chance" with poor reading skills). After teaching American history to 8th graders for a few years, I've developed this webpage in the hopes that it tin help first twelvemonth teachers get an idea of what to exercise, or help out some experienced teachers freshen upward some lessons. Just to permit you know, my "at-gamble" students have the same passing rate on the history portion of the state standardized examination as the "advanced" students.

Below are my weekly lessons for weeks 26 - 30 on the Civil War/State of war Betwixt u.s.a./War of Northern Aggression. Please come across my other lenses to encounter my complete lesson plan book. Come across the side bars on the right for those links. Please visit my Procedures and General Ideas for eighth Grade American History Webpage to see my classroom set upward, procedures, grading, use of textbook, examination ideas, etc.

Southern cotton plantation

Southern cotton wool plantation

Calendar week 26: 24-hour interval 2 (Connected from previous unit): Due north vs. South

How were the North and Due south different?

HISTORY QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What was the first state to secede from the Union? [Reply: Information technology was South Carolina, which seceded on December 20, 1860, in response to the Nov election of Abraham Lincoln as president.]

Objective: How were the North and S different?

Homework: Become calendar signed

one. Call back of someone you're related to who is EXTREMELY different from you lot. A) Who is that person? B) List 5+ ways in which the 2 of yous are different from each other. C) How do these differences make it hard for the two of you to get along?

2. Become over exam

three. Create Unit 7 encompass page: The State of war Between the States/The Ceremonious State of war/The War of Northern Aggression

4. Create spoke diagrams illustrating the North and the Due south earlier the Civil War. Give each group (iii-four students) an data canvass on either the North or South. Have them fill up out their worksheet on the features (Climate and geography, population, cities, economy, culture, transportation) of that region. (xv minutes)

5. In these groups students start creating web diagram posters for either the North or South. Their affiche must contain all half-dozen features, iii written main points most that characteristic, and i cartoon for each feature correctly showing that feature (i.e., For "cities" in the South, students should NOT draw skyscrapers.)

Civil War Activities - Studies prove that students retain more when they practice or make something!

Not but practice these books contain great activeness ideas, but they're besides filled with fun tidbits of data that I add to lectures to make them interesting and memorable.

Children working in the mills in the North

Children working in the mills in the Due north

Week 27: Twenty-four hour period 1: North vs. South

How did the Northward and Southward differ?

HISTORY QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Although there were but 11 states in the Confederacy, the most famous Confederate boxing flag has xiii stars on information technology. What do those ii extra stars correspond? [Answer: Missouri and Kentucky. Both states wanted to secede, but Abraham Lincoln illegally arrested anyone in those two states who voiced an involvement in secession.]

Objective: How did the North and South differ?

Homework: End menses chart

ane. You've been learning how the Northward and Due south became extremely different places. A) List the three ways in which you think the North and South were the nigh different from one another. B) What do you think was the principal cause for the Northward and South to develop so differently? C) Why do you think this was the biggest cause?

ii. Finish posters (30 minutes)

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iii. Switch posters with a group that had the other region and fill up out the other half of your sheet. (12 minutes)

4. Design a flowchart showing how various geography affected life in the Due north and the South. Do first one as a grade.

Great DVD'southward to Utilize

I use clips (usually 10 minute snippets) of the historical reenactments from these DVD's to bear witness during class. These really bring the people and issues to life and assist my students actually call back what occurred and why. Also look for the DVD's Ceremonious War Terror by The History Channel and The History Channel Presents Sherman'due south March.

Nat Turner's Rebellion

Nat Turner's Rebellion

Week 27: Day 2: Events Leading to Ceremonious War

What acquired the Due north and South to split?

Objective: What caused the North and South to split?

Homework: Get agenda signed

ane. Think almost how of import climate and geography are in your life. Imagine if Houston had high mountains and it snowed each year. A) How would you dress differently? B) How would your hobbies (what you lot do for fun) alter? C) What new types of businesses might there be in Houston? D) Do yous retrieve Houston would have more or less people? E) Why?

2. Go overflow chart (Students become 100% as a homework form simply for completing it even if the answers are not correct.)

3. Students read Compromises to Conflict from History Alive! textbook (Chapter 20) and consummate reading notes on pages 138-139 apropos the Missouri Compromise through California applying for statehood.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Week 28: Day 1: Events Leading to Civil State of war

How did the Due north and S split?

HISTORY QUESTION OF THE Calendar week: What was the single bloodiest day of the Civil War? [Answer: According to many historians, information technology was September 17, 1862, when General George McClellan's Union forces and Robert E. Lee's Confederate troops clashed in the Battle of Antietam. The struggle took place in Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland, ending with the retreat of Lee's regular army into Virginia on September 18. The Union suffered over 12,000 casualties, with 2,100 men killed; the Confederates suffered over 10,000 casualties, with two,700 men killed.]

Objective: How did the North and South split?

ane. The twelvemonth is 2012. The pollution has gotten so bad in Houston that some people wear gas masks. The land of Texas has decided that they'll try to solve the problem. Even though car pollution isn't the chief reason for the terrible air, the state of Texas has passed a law forbidding all people in Houston and surrounding areas from owning/using a motorcar. In fact, they accept anybody's (including yous new Porsche) car - without paying you for the car or giving you lot an alternate way to get to work. People in Houston are divided into 2 groups: ane) some say Houston should become it's own state because Texas' state authorities is doing something severely illegal AND 2) the other group says Texas is doing what's all-time for it'south citizens, so Houston should stay loyal to Texas. A) Which grouping would y'all support? B) Listing 3+ reasons for your conclusion. (Teacher caption: Texas challenge to do what'due south best for Houstonians by taking abroad people'south property (cars) and not reimbursing them or providing them with a way to go to work is like the Northward claiming to do what's all-time for the South by taking away their slaves (which the slave owners had paid for) without compensating them for their losses while too not providing them with a way to go all the work done on the plantations. Some Southerners supported the national government's decision while others decided they must get a carve up nation.)

2. Powerpoint lecture & contend over the problems facing the Spousal relationship in the mid-1800s (Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Nat Turner'due south Slave Rebellion, Runaway Slaves, & California's statehood). Students correct their reading notes from the previous course as nosotros go through the events.

3. Students read Compromises to Disharmonize from History Live! textbook (Chapter 20) and complete reading notes on pages 140-141 from the Avoiding slave police through the 1860 Presidential ballot.

4. Powerpoint lecture & debate over the issues facing the Union in the mid-1800s (Fugitive Slave Police, Dred Scott Case, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Bleeding Kansas, Charles Sumner vs. Stephen Douglas, Chief Justice Roger Taney, Abraham Lincoln & Stephen Douglas, John Brown, Election of 1860). Students right their reading notes from the previous class as we go through the events.

(*If you would similar to see the video clips and links to free worksheets I compiled on Abraham Lincoln and his presidency, go to

Smashing Resources on Abraham Lincoln



Week 28: 24-hour interval two: Strength of the North vs. South

How did the North and Southward compare?

Objective: How did the North and South compare?

1. If you could choose to be on a sports team, would you prefer to be on the team that had a meliorate motorcoach and owned the field/courtroom on which you played OR would you rather be on the team that has more than double the number of players and LOTS more coin (for sports camps, new equipment, better uniforms, etc.)? Give 3 + reasons why. (Instructor explanation: The first team represents the S (better generals and the war getting fought on it'south own land.) The second team represents the N with a larger ground forces/population and more money. )

2. Nautical chart crucial Civil War information and describe conclusions about its impact on the war. Graph the differences between data on the North vs the Southward (population, country expanse, troops, state of war causalities, costliest battles, industrial production, miles of railroad track, and finances). Clarify the data. You can notice this chart at

iv. Select 4 of the areas in which the North and South differed. Write 1 sentence explaining the difference, and draw a pic (ane for the N and one for the South) showing the divergence. For example: The Northward had more than than double the amount of land than the Southward had. (Draw a piece of country double the size of another piece of land. Nether the larger slice of land write, "North." Under the smaller piece of land write, "South.)

Photo Credit

A Southern View

Also expect for "Iron Scouts Of The Confederacy past Lee Mc Giffin (which I highly recommend), "A Virginia Girl in the Ceremonious War" past Myrta Lockett Avary, and "The Life of J. E. B. Stuart" by Mary L. Williamson. The DVD "Civil War Minutes - Confederate" directed by Mark Bussler is also worth viewing!

Sherman's March to the Sea

Sherman'due south March to the Bounding main

Week 28: Solar day 3: Major Battles

What happened during the War Between the States?

Objective: What happened during the War Between united states?

Homework: Get agenda signed

ane. Which side, the Northward or South, exercise you think had a ameliorate chance of winning the war? Requite 5+ reasons why you think that.

2. Powerpoint slide lecture: Bombardment of Fort Sumter through Emancipation Proclamation. Students fill up out chart including major events, fundamental participants, and effects on the general public.

*Explain why the state of war was actually fought (over states rights) and how Lincoln (who's wife endemic slaves) eventually used the consequence of slavery to proceed England and France (who were struggling with the issue of slavery in their own countries at that time) to not assist the Southward. Emphasize that the South did not desire to fight. They just wanted to quietly leave and be left alone. The North attacked them, and they were only defending themselves. *

3. Read Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln did not take the right to free the slaves in the Due south. That would be like people in Mexico telling people in the Usa that we have to give them all our electronics. They don't have the right to tell us that. At that point, the South was now a completely different country with it's own President and government. Lincoln did Not free all the slaves under the Emancipation Proclamation. He only freed them in the Southward. There were slaved in the "North," and those slaves were not freed.

4. WRAP-Upwardly: REPORTING ON THE War: Yous're a newspaper author during this time period. Select one of the events we discussed today. Sketch a picture showing that result for the readers. (Remember cameras weren't used much back then.) Also include a explanation (a sentence explaining why that event was of import). Include a championship for the movie every bit well (naming the event itself).

If yous take a few extra minutes in class, you can prove a few minutes of Crash Course American History

Great Resource for ESL/Lower-Level Reading Students

Also look for the other books from the Graphic History serial: "Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion" by Burgan, "John Brownish'south Raid on Harpers Ferry" by Glaser, and "The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln." Another serial that is expert includes 2 books on this war: "Civil War: 1850-1876- Graphic U.S. History" (Saddleback Graphic: U.S. History) and "Before the Civil State of war: 1830-1860" by Saddleback.

Battle of Gettysburg

Battle of Gettysburg

Week 29: 24-hour interval i: The End of the Civil War

What happened during the War Between the States?

HISTORY QUESTION OF THE WEEK: In what 2 cities did Sherman's March to the Sea brainstorm and end? [Answer: The devastating march beyond Georgia began in the occupied city of Atlanta on November 11, 1864, and concluded with the capture of Savannah on the Atlantic Bounding main on Dec 21. Along the way, Sherman ransacked the countryside, murdering women and children, looting, burning, and tearing up railroads.]

Objective: What happened during the State of war Between the states?

ane. Some people say the conflicts between the North and South were like a rocky marriage, rivalry between siblings, or fighting neighbors. A) Which description do you retrieve is most accurate? B) Give 3+ reasons why.

2. Video: "The Civil War: The First Two Years." Take at least fifteen notes.

3. Finish powerpoint slide lecture: Emancipation Proclamation though Battle of Gettysburg. Students fill out chart including major events, key participants, and effects on the general public.

iv. Read "Gettysburg Address"

5. WRAP-UP: WRITING Abode DURING THE WAR: You're a soldier fighting in i of the battles nosotros have discussed. Write a postcard home explaining the weather. Include which battle y'all accept fought/are fight in. Likewise address if you recollect the war is shut to exist over and why. Exist sure to address your postcard to your imaginary home address IN ORDER TO SHOW WHICH SIDE YOU ARE ON.

Clara Barton

Clara Barton

Calendar week 29: Day 2: Black Soldiers & The Role of Women

How did the war terminate?

Objective: How did the war stop?

1. "Information technology is well that war is so terrible, or we should get too addicted of information technology." -General Robert E. Lee (a Confederate general) "It is simply those who have never fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for claret, more than vengeance, more pathos. War is Hell." - General William T. Sherman (a Spousal relationship general). A) What is General Robert E. Lee'southward view of war? B) What is General William T. Sherman'south view of war? C) These generals were on different sides during the state of war. Are their views on war the same or dissimilar? D) How?

2. Powerpoint slide lecture: black soldiers of the North and South and the involvement of women.

3. Video: Clara Barton. Take 15+ notes.

4. WRAP-UP: ANALYZING PICTURES FROM THE War: Select one of the photos or paintings in your book (pp. 498, 502, 505, 507, or 514). Respond the following about the picture you selected: A) Describe the people in the flick. B) Draw the objects in the flick. C) Depict the environment in the picture. D) Describe the activities in the picture. E) What are the almost important parts of the picture? F) What is 1 question you have as a result of looking at the picture? Chiliad) What 2 conclusions can you draw about life during the State of war Between the States from the picture?

Photo Credit

Blackness Soldiers & Women in the War

Also look for "Till Victory Is Won: Black Soldiers in the Ceremonious War" by Zak Mettger, "Freedom's Soldiers: The Black Military Experience in the Civil War" past Ira Berlin, "Blackness Southerners In Gray" by Arthur West. Bergeron Jr., "They Fought Similar Demons: Women Soldiers in the Civil War" by De Anne Blanton, and "Outrageous Women of Civil War Times" by Mary Rodd Furbee.

Image credit:

Image credit: http://world wide

Week 29: Twenty-four hours three: Civil War Project

What happened during the state of war?

Objective: What happened during the war?

Homework: End poems & get calendar signed

1. Report the overhead flick (political cartoon, "A Man Knows a Man" found at the lesser of Harper's Catoons ) Describe what you see and information technology'southward significance in vii+ sentences.

2. DVD: The Civil War and Reconstruction (good overview of the period) (20 minutes) Accept 12+ notes.

3. Acrostic Poem for the words "The Civil War." For each letter, write a phrase or sentences describing some attribute of the war. (For 25 extra credit points, make your poem rhyme.) Then create a picture for each line. Y'all may add together boosted drawings, symbols, and/or borders. Y'all must use color. I volition form yous on the post-obit: a) Complete: a phrase/sentence for each letter, a picture for each line, color b) historically accurate c) creative and neat.

4. Pass out extra credit worksheets to students who want them. Worksheets include the Constitution of the Confederate States of America and excerpts from the diary of Wedlock soldier Albert Underwood.

Bonnie Blue Flag

Bonnie Blue Flag

Week xxx: Mean solar day 1: Review

What was life like for the soldiers?

HISTORY QUESTION OF THE Week: Approximately how many Americans died during the War Betwixt the States? [Answer: Matrimony deaths from battle or disease totaled 364,511. Administrative figures for the confederacy are non available, simply most estimates range around 260,000. The total of 620,000 deaths makes this conflict the bloodiest in the nation'southward history--non excluding World War II, in which 405,399 Americans died.]

Objective: What was life like for the soldiers?

Homework: Study for exam

1. UNIT EVALUATION: A) Listing three+ specific things you lot learned well-nigh during this unit on the War betwixt the States. B) What are ii areas most which you nonetheless feel confused? C) List the ane area from this unit about which y'all would have similar to report more.

two. Listen to songs from the Civil War era (Johnny Is My Darling, Bonnie Blue Flag, Marching Song of the First of Arkansas, & Tenting This night) and answer questions about each song to reveal underlying attitudes toward war.

3. Review game


Week 30: 24-hour interval ii: Exam

What did I larn nearly the War Betwixt the States?

Objective: What did I learn about the War Betwixt the States?

Homework: Finish worksheet and get agenda signed

1. Cram/Written report for Exam

ii. Exam

iii. Worksheet for next unit on Reconstruction

Previous Unit: Weeks 23-26: Due west Expansion & Roads to Freedom

  • Weeks 23-26: Westward Expansion & Roads to Freedom
    Westward Expansion & Roads to Freedom Lesson Plans for eighth Grade American History

Next Page: Standardized Test Cram Sheet

  • Standardized Test Cram Sheet
    Standardized Test Cram Sheet for eighth Grade American History

Weeks one-2: First Week of Schoolhouse & Geography Lesson Plans for 8th Grade American History

Weeks three-eight : Thirteen Colonies Lesson Plans

Weeks eight-13: American Revolution Lesson Plans

Weeks thirteen-xvi: Constitution Lesson Plans

Week 17: American Literature Lesson Plans

Weeks 18-nineteen: Our New Nation Lesson Plans

Weeks 20-22: Industrial Revolution Lesson Plans

Weeks 23-26: Westward Expansion & Roads to Liberty Lesson Plans

Weeks 26-30: Civil War Lesson Plans (this set of lessons)

Standardized Examination Cram Canvass

© 2010 Shannon

Comments? Questions? - Was this lens helpful? Do you lot have whatsoever questions, comments, or boosted ideas? Please mail service here!

Shannon (author) from Florida on May 22, 2014:

@t-time: I'm and then glad you take found my lessons to be helpful! I taught in a school system that used block scheduling. I saw classes MWF 1 week and Tues. & Thurs. the post-obit week.

t-fourth dimension on May 22, 2014:

Thank you lot so much for sharing! I'm a new instructor just starting out this has helped a ton! Just out of curiosity I noticed your lesson plans have for instance "calendar week eight 24-hour interval ane and day 2". Do you expand those to use all week long or practise you supplement extra things to fill in the other days?

Shannon (author) from Florida on Feb 06, 2013:

@OhMe: Cheers so much!!!

Nancy Tate Hellams from Pendleton, SC on February 06, 2013:

This is a wonderful resource page for anyone teaching the Ceremonious War. I think this is probably 1 of the hardest things to teach our children and it is so of import that they empathise. Yous take certainly done an amazing job of pulling together all this information nigh the Ceremonious War.

Shannon (author) from Florida on December 26, 2012:

@Aunt-Mollie: Cheers and then much! I will go along my center out for poems for you. That is great that you're integrating subjects!

Aunt-Mollie on December 24, 2012:

I've been looking for more poems nearly the Civil State of war to include in my War Poetry lens. If you detect some, please let me know. I accept been an English language instructor and I always tried to contain history and the lessons of history in my lesson plans. I plant that using stories and poetry helped kids really connect with history. I really similar your approach her and I think your kids are lucky to have such a great Mom!

jknobloc on January 12, 2012:

great plans! thanks for sharing. practise you create all the powerpoints you reference or tin I find them somewhere?

lasertek lm on May 18, 2011:

very organize lens and smashing lesson plans!

Accept a peek at my lens, Homeschooling 101: Guide to Gratis Curriculum and Other Resource.

MamaRuth on March 02, 2011:

I enjoyed reading another teacher'due south lesson ideas. Cheers for sharing your piece of work!


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